MS Cluster Goodies
Tip: Check to make sure you have the latest hotifixes:
Recommended hotfixes and updates for Windows Server 2012 R2-based failover clusters
Check for hotfix by number:
Get-HotFix -ID "KB2799904"
Load the Failover Clusters PowerShell Module:
import-module failoverclusters
Get some information about your cluster:
Get-cluster | fl *
Get status of your CSV / Cluster Shared Volumes
Get a cluster log from the last 30 minutes. (Great way to find problems)
get-clusterlog -timespan 30 -destination c:\cluslog
Get Enterprise Vault cluster resources parameters. (Useful if you have reinstalled EV and need to set the cluster resources back)
Get-ClusterResource –Name "evserver-01-EnterpriseVaultIndexingService" | Get-ClusterParameter